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Page 9

  A little giggle bubbled up in Elle’s throat. She pressed her hand over her mouth, the ring warm on her lips. All the stress lifted away from her shoulders, and she gave up on trying to be appropriate, threw her head back and laughed, letting the wonderful absurdity of the situation have its way with her.


  Someone knocked on the bathroom door, a curt, sharp rap, rap, rap.

  “One second,” Elle called out. There were so many bathrooms in their new beach house that she knew it wasn’t someone needing to wash his hands.

  She dropped her hairbrush and slipped into a decadently soft robe before hurrying to the door. Cunningham lounged against the wall. His loose, white linen pants and shirt made his tan skin glow, and his smile lit up his face.

  “Finish up, woman,” he said, “Or I’ll be forced to spank you for making us late.”

  “And afterward I can spank you for making us even later?”

  “You’re welcome to try.” He pressed a quick, tickling kiss to her neck, and Elle ducked away, her shoulder hitched up, a smile on her lips.

  She ran the brush through her hair again, her tongue between her teeth as she concentrated. Her makeup looked fine, but she couldn’t seemed to get her hair pinned up just right.

  Nolan appeared in the doorway. “Need help?” He was already dressed, wearing board shorts and a blue polo. He’d showered after his run along the beach, and his dark hair was still damp and messy.

  “I want it in a bun, or the wind will blow it in my eyes,” Elle said.

  He raised an eyebrow. “If you’re tired of Hawaii, we can go—”

  “No! Not at all. I’m not tired of it here.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He moved behind her, his body so warm and reassuring. Elle watched in the mirror as he swept her hair up and easily looped it into a smooth knot, then clipped down the ends with little pins.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” She raised a hand to test how secure it was, and her ring glinted in the mirror, catching the light.

  Jonathan leaned into the bathroom. “Need help getting dressed?”

  She shoved the men out, because if she didn’t, they’d never get to the luau.

  As the four of them walked along the quiet, deserted beach between the sprawling beach house and the evening’s festivities, Elle shivered in the slightly cool breeze. Maybe she should have worn more than this loose, flowing dress, but she’d bought it when they first arrived, a few weeks earlier, and her men loved it.

  “Cold?” Cunningham came up behind her, wrapping his arms over hers. As they walked, the feeling of the thin clothes slipping between their bodies turned her shivers into quivers of anticipation.

  The luau was in full swing, with loud music and billowing smoke that made Elle’s eyes water. Nolan chose seats on the outskirts of the happenings, and the others sat next to him.

  Elle settled in Cunningham’s lap.

  “Careful,” he grunted.

  She leaned back on him, wiggling her butt to get his attention.

  “I warned you,” he growled. He threw her easily over his shoulder, and she went still, enjoying the feeling of his strong forearms across the backs of her knees.

  He carried her down the beach a bit, and as soon as they were out of sight, he carefully lowered her. Because she was only wearing sandals, and not high heels like in the office, she felt tiny in front of him.

  “What are you?” he asked.

  She sighed in contentment. This wasn’t a new question; ever since the “merger” he asked a few times a week. “I don’t know,” she said slyly. “Am I chilly?”

  He pulled off his shirt and threw it onto the sand, then growled as he carefully took her to the ground, his body over hers. “I’ll show you what you are.” Even in the darkness, he stared into her eyes as he undid the drawstring that held up his loose pants.

  Using his knees, he separated her legs, and his hands flipped up her dress. “What are you?”

  She wanted to resist him, but she was powerless when he got like this, all possessive and serious. “I’m yours.”

  “Damned right.” He yanked off her panties, and his cock pressed into her in a hungry thrust. She moaned, arching her back, the sand shifting under her head.

  “She’s ours,” Nolan growled, kneeling. “Share.”

  Cunningham easily rolled over without yielding an inch of her pussy; now he was under her, her thighs spread wide over his thick, muscular hips. He ran his hands up the backs of her legs and spread her ass for Nolan.

  A moment later, Nolan pressed into her. She shuddered as Jonathan knelt near her face and guided her mouth onto his cock.

  The crashing waves easily covered the noises of the horny men. No matter how many times they fucked her, they seemed to only want more. Which suited her fine because nothing made her as happy as when they came at her, their eyes full of possessive hunger.

  Someone grabbed her breasts, pinching her nipples until she ached. In the darkness, her lovers were like one massive being that could read her mind, knowing just when to hurt and when to rub, when to slap and when to caress.

  And her body accommodated them joyfully, just like it had since the first time she met them. Because even then, on some level, they had all known one, overarching truth: she was theirs and they were hers.

  ~ ~ ~

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